Cabinet papers
Cabinet papers and related documents released by Oranga Tamariki.
This paper relates to approval for the introduction of the Oranga Tamariki (Responding to Serious Youth Offending) Amendment Bill to parliament.
Cabinet paper and other documents relating to amendments to the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989.
Cabinet paper relating to the establishment of the four priorities as part of public accountability for Oranga Tamariki and to enable the agency to focus on its core purpose.
Cabinet papers and associated documents relating to the repeal of section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989.
Cabinet paper relating to the re-establishment of an Oranga Tamariki Ministerial Advisory Board.
Cabinet paper about a pay equity claim for Social Work in the Funded Sector.
Cabinet paper about minor regulatory changes to support the Oranga Tamariki operating model.
Cabinet papers and minutes endorsing the Oranga Tamariki Action Plan and implementation of the plan (2022)
Cabinet has agreed to a partial repeal of the subsequent children provisions in the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 in order to take a more child and whānau-centred approach to subsequent children.
Cabinet papers to acknowledge that Minister for Children, Hon Kelvin Davis, intended to establish a Ministerial Advisory Board to provide advice regarding Oranga Tamariki.
Cabinet paper and minutes that seek agreement to a 2-stage process for how Oranga Tamariki will set measurable outcomes and develop strategic partnerships with iwi and Māori organisations to enhance the wellbeing of tamariki and rangatahi Māori.
Cabinet paper about the Budget 2019 funding agreement and assurance to report back to Cabinet 6-monthly on progress in implementing the new Oranga Tamariki operating model.
The Cabinet paper and associated minutes seek agreement to amend some of the information sharing provisions in the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989. The proposed amendments are needed to ensure improvements in information sharing practices are achieved.
Cabinet paper about introducing the Oranga Tamariki Legislation Bill which seeks to include 17-year-olds in the youth justice system.
Cabinet paper about the 2019 review of the financial assistance provided to caregivers by Oranga Tamariki.
Cabinet papers about the new Oranga Tamariki tamaiti-centred operating model to transform our service response to Aotearoa New Zealand's most at-risk tamariki and rangatahi.
The National Care Standards clearly set out what tamariki and rangatahi can expect from their time in care, and what caregivers can expect when they are providing care to a tamaiti.
Published: October 31, 2018 · Updated: September 12, 2024