Delegation and subdelegation
These documents contain information about the delegations and subdelegations of operational functions and powers under the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989.
We provide this information on our public-facing website in accordance with section 7F of this Act.
Delegation and subdelegation documents
Approvals delegations
Delegations are in place relating to the approval of service providers of iwi social services, cultural social services, child and family support services, and community services under the Oranga Tamariki Act.
Pdf, 439 KB
Barnardos delegation
Managers of Barnardos are delegated the power to approve and monitor the operation of support arrangements for rangatahi aged up to 21.
Pdf, 422 KB
Whakapai Hauora Youth Justice Delegation 2023
Whakapai Haoura Youth Justice Social Workers (under the title of Kaiarataki) has been delegated a range of functions related to youth justice proceedings.
Pdf, 271 KB
Operational Delegations
Operational Delegations Instrument signed by the Chief Executive in October 2024.
Pdf, 1.1 MB
2019 Turuki Delegations Gazetted
This document identifies those operational functions and powers which have been delegated to Turuki Health Care Charitable Trust.
Pdf, 153 KB
Published: October 31, 2018 · Updated: September 24, 2021