Independent Children's Monitor report
The Independent Children's Monitor reports provide independent oversight that helps to ensure that tamariki and rangatahi in care get the support they need and deserve.
Te Mana Whakamaru Tamariki Motuhake, the Independent Children's Monitor, provide independent oversight that helps to ensure that tamariki and rangatahi in care get the support they need and deserve.
The Independent Children’s Monitor monitors compliance with the National Care Standards Regulations to make sure organisations that look after tamariki and rangatahi are doing what they need to enable tamariki and rangatahi to reach their potential. In addition to Oranga Tamariki, this includes looking at Barnardos and the Open Home Foundation as these organisations also have tamariki and rangatahi in their custody.
You can read these reports and find out more about the Independent Children's Monitor on their website:
Response to the 2023/24 Annual Report
Oranga Tamariki has written an official response to the findings in the Independent Children’s Monitor annual report.
Read the response on the Independent Children’s Monitor website.
Response to the 2022/23 Annual Report
Oranga Tamariki has written an official response to the findings in the Independent Children’s Monitor annual report.
Read the response on the Independent Children's Monitor website.
Oranga Tamariki self-monitoring of the National Care Standards 2022/23
Oranga Tamariki have developed a self-monitoring approach focused on generating timely and actionable insights to drive improvements in our performance against the National Care Standards.
Response to Access to primary health services and dental care
Oranga Tamariki has written an official response to the findings in the Independent Children's Monitor in-depth review Access to primary health services and dental care.
Read the response on the Independent Children's Monitor website.
Response to Returning home from care report
Oranga Tamariki has written an official response to the findings in the Independent Children's Monitor in-depth review Returning home from care.
Read the response on the Independent Children's Monitor website.
Response to the 2021/22 annual report
Oranga Tamariki has written an official response to the findings in the Independent Children's Monitor report.
Read the response on the Independent Children's Monitor website.
Response to the Monitor's information and data request
As part of its monitoring role, the Independent Children’s Monitor provide monitored agencies an information and data request, which enables the Monitor to meet annual reporting obligations and signals the measures that the Monitor would expect to be in place for self-monitoring.
In the interests of openness and transparency, and to support the Monitor’s report, we are releasing our response to the Monitor’s information and data request. In addition to providing information and data, our response outlines what Oranga Tamariki intends to do to strengthen practice and improve the quality of care we provide to care for tamariki and rangatahi.
Published: February 3, 2023 · Updated: February 3, 2023