Adoption provides a child with a whānau when their birthparents are not able to raise them. The most important consideration when it comes to adoption is what’s best for the tamaiti.
We work with whānau wanting to adopt, as well as birthparents who want to place a child for adoption. We’ll support and guide you through the adoption process. We can also help if you’re adopted and want to find out information about your birthparents, or if you are a birthparent seeking information about your birth child.
Each year a small number of tamariki in Aotearoa New Zealand are placed by their birth parents for adoption. You can apply to become an adoptive parent, but birth parents make the decision about who they would like to care for their tamaiti.
If you want to adopt, you can consider adopting an orphaned or abandoned tamaiti from overseas. We work with a number of other agencies to help people through the process of intercountry adoption.
Your pēpi or tamaiti can be adopted by another whānau if you’re not able to look after them. You can discuss your options with us so you can make the decision that’s best for your tamaiti and you.
As an adopted person, once you turn 20 you can legally apply for information about your birth parents.
When a tamaiti is born by IVF to a surrogate mother in Aotearoa New Zealand or overseas, the intending parents must apply to adopt the tamaiti in order to become their legal parents.
Use our online form to enquire about adoptions.
Published: March 27, 2017 · Updated: April 23, 2024