There are 3 funding models for partnered care: dynamic, fixed and individualised. All models provide 'all-in' funding to enable partners the flexibility to respond to the individual needs of the tamariki in their care.
3 funding models
Dynamic funding model
The dynamic funding model is a flexible model, which should be used when costs to the partner largely depend on the support needs of the tamaiti and caregiver.
- This model is well suited to caregiver-based care options.
- It sets a 'general support rate’ for each tamaiti per 24-hour period – to account for the costs required to support most tamariki, most of the time.
- The model allows for flexible use of funding across a number of tamariki in the care of the care partners – recognising that support needs are dynamic.
Fixed funding model
The fixed funding model best suits care options with significant fixed or pre-configured costs such as:
- accommodation-based care for multiple tamariki and rangatahi with ‘greater’ or ‘high’ support needs, which involve staffing and rental, or accommodation costs.
- specialist caregiving options that have fixed costs associated with specialised training and additional kaimahi support.
The amount of funding provided within the fixed rate will be negotiated to reflect the level of support that the care option is designed to provide.
Individualised funding model
The individualised funding model enables partners and Oranga Tamariki to agree on a separate funding rate for an individual in care.
- This should only be used if the tamaiti or rangatahi needs significant support to stay safe and well, and where this cannot be provided through other care options.
- These tamariki will be assessed as requiring a very ‘high’ level of support, and usually require specialist input and advice from High Needs Services.
Funding approach
All 3 models provide 'all-in' funding. This means the rates for all models should provide enough funding to cover the majority of costs for supporting the needs of tamariki. This ‘all-in’ approach has been designed to reduce administrative burden on partners and Oranga Tamariki by removing the need to submit small transactional invoices for ad-hoc top ups to cover basic items. This provides more autonomy for partners to quickly meet the needs of tamariki.
Oranga Tamariki is committed to ensuring:
- care funding rates cover the cost of high-quality care and support
- we have the right care options available for tamariki and rangatahi
- care partners are not compromised financially as a result of decisions or actions taken by Oranga Tamariki
- we meet our accountabilities as a Crown Agency.
Funding policy and guidance for Shared Care
This document provides more information on the three funding models, how they are best applied, the processes for agreeing an additional rate under the Dynamic model and requesting any unplanned one-off amounts, as well as more detail on property-related costs and intentional damage.
Pdf, 541 KB
Care Partner and Oranga Tamariki Property Operating Agreement (Rented and Leased homes)
This form is to document the agreement between Oranga Tamariki and the Care Partner. This document details the agreement for operating costs, maintenance and repair, making good when leaving the home and reporting and inspection.
Word, 134 KB
Care Partner and Oranga Tamariki Property Operating Agreement (Owned Homes)
This form is to document the agreement between Oranga Tamariki and the Care Partner. This document details the agreement for operating costs, maintenance and repair, making good when leaving the home and reporting and inspection.
Word, 120 KB
Published: September 15, 2023