Research and insights
We regularly publish research, evaluation and insights reports related to the wellbeing of tamariki and whānau and the social services sector.
Fast-Track – Formative and process evaluation
This evaluation of Fast-Track was commissioned to deepen understanding about cross-agency ways of working and how agencies can align services to enhance responses for rangatahi and their whānau.
Rainbow young people with Oranga Tamariki Involvement
Four reports presenting findings from the Identify Survey regarding the experiences of rainbow young people with Oranga Tamariki involvement.
Gateway Assessment Review Findings
The report presents the full findings of the Gateway Assessment Review. The Review was a key cross-agency deliverable under the Oranga Tamariki Action Plan to improve the health and education outcomes for children and young people involved with Oranga Tam…
Oranga Tamariki Action Plan: Supported Accommodation Review
Oranga Tamariki has undertaken a review of its Supported Accommodation service for young people transitioning to independence from care and youth justice settings (care-experienced).
Group supervision for supervisors initiative
The Group Supervision for Supervisors (GSS) initiative was piloted in 2023. The evaluation report supports the future implementation of group supervision and adds to the wider knowledge base of professional social work supervision.
Reducing Youth Reoffending: Quantitative Impact Evaluation
This report estimates the impacts of the Reducing Youth Reoffending in South Auckland Social Bond Pilot on the frequency and severity of reoffending by participants.
Transition Support Service four-year evaluation
The four-year evaluation conducted by Malatest International of how the Transition Support Service is supporting young people who are leaving care is complete. The evaluation is accompanied by additional reports that informed the evaluation.
Analysis of the decrease of Reports of Concern
As part of our general work in monitoring trends and dynamics in key indicators, we have produced a report and an A3 on understanding what has been happening with the decrease in Reports of Concerns in the years following a peak in fiscal year 2018.
Results from the 2023 Caregiver Survey
This report outlines how well Oranga Tamariki is supporting caregivers using the results from the 2023 Oranga Tamariki Caregiver Survey.
Orphan's Benefit/Unsupported Child's Benefit caregiver survey
A telephone survey of Orphan’s Benefit (OB) and Unsupported Child’s Benefit (UCB) caregivers was conducted to gain insight into the experiences of these caregivers and understand how Oranga Tamariki can support these caregivers in their important role.…
Specialist Caregiving International Models
This Evidence Brief examines existing evidence to highlight the challenges, strengths, and limitations of different models of care for tamariki with high and complex needs in overseas jurisdictions.
Supporting the education of tamariki and rangatahi
This research is a literature scan of the support children and young people who are or have been in care have for their education. It examines international best practice. It then identifies approaches that may have relevance for New Zealand.
Prevention Education Pilot Evaluation
The Prevention Education Pilot was designed to equip educational professionals with the knowledge, language, and skills to respond effectively to children’s sexualised play and behaviour. An evaluation examined the pilot’s development and delivery.
Measles Preparedness and Patterns of Immunisation
This evidence brief presents insights and lessons learned from past measles outbreaks based on a time-limited scan of online resources, and an analysis of measles immunisation rates of tamariki in Oranga Tamariki care.
Primary Health Care Enrolments for Children in Care
The ability to access primary health care is vital for all Aotearoa New Zealanders. This paper provides improved information on enrolments as an update to data that was publicly released in Pepuere 2023.
Safeguarding children in closed communities
This review of literature informs child protection responses in communities or groups that use coercive and controlling ways of managing tamariki and members in the group.
Ngā Haerenga | Transition Journeys Longitudinal Study Phase 3
This report examines rangatahi experiences leaving the care or custody of Oranga Tamariki. It reviews key findings from 18 to 24 months after leaving across 3 years, with a focus on the final year.
Reducing Youth Reoffending: Qualitative outcomes evaluation
This report explores the findings from a qualitative outcomes evaluation of the Reducing Youth Reoffending in South Auckland Social Bond Pilot (the Pilot), initiated in partnership with Genesis Youth Trust (Genesis).
Prevalence of Harm to Children and Protective Factors
This analysis presents what we can know about harm to children and young people in New Zealand, as well as protective factors, through a data driven lens. It pulls together information on harm and protective factors from a number of sources, including...
Published: July 15, 2022