Results from the 2023 Caregiver Survey

Published: March 13, 2024 · Updated: March 13, 2024

This report outlines how well Oranga Tamariki is supporting caregivers using the results from the 2023 Oranga Tamariki Caregiver Survey.


Since 2019, Oranga Tamariki has provided caregivers with the opportunity to participate in a survey to better understand their experiences and to provide insights about the support provided by Oranga Tamariki.

Between March and July 2023, 2,467 eligible caregivers were invited to participate in the Oranga Tamariki Caregiver Survey which was available via phone and online. In total, 1,164 caregivers participated, which is a response rate of 47%.

Key findings

Key findings from the 2023 survey include:

  • Around half of respondents were satisfied with the support provided (52%) and felt valued by Oranga Tamariki (55%). 
  • Most respondents were satisfied with their Caregiver Social Worker; 88% felt respected by them,74% reported receiving useful advice from their social worker and that their social worker was available when needed (76%).
  • 81% of respondents felt that the child’s social worker respected the child, and 77% felt respected by the child’s social worker.
  • 46% of respondents who had a child come into their care in the last 12 months felt prepared to care for the child, and 36% were dissatisfied with the information provided about the child’s background and history. 
  • The majority (76%) of respondents had asked Oranga Tamariki for support, with just under half (47%) feeling the support received was enough. Support with education/childcare/schooling was the area where support was most commonly needed (70%). More than one-third (41%) of respondents attributed the need for support to a disability or long-term health condition that the child had.

Overall, the survey highlights that while many caregivers are satisfied with the social workers they interact with, they are less satisfied with Oranga Tamariki more generally. In particular the caregivers we heard from noted the need for better support and communication, more information about children before they come into their care and the impact the turnover of social workers had on them and the child.

Next steps

The findings from the survey highlight the areas where further focus and support is needed and will be used by Caregiver Recruitment and Support to develop a corrective action plan to ensure caregivers have what they need to provide stable, loving homes for the tamariki in their care.