Tauwhiro Taiohi (MASSiSS)
Tauwhiro Taiohi - Multi Agency Support Services in Secondary Schools (MASSiSS) is a secondary school-based community social work service run by our NGO partners, that provides early assistance and intervention to rangatahi and their whānau.
This school-based community social work service provides early assistance and intervention to rangatahi and their whānau when social or whānau circumstances are causing the tamaiti to struggle with education, health, mental health or social development. The aim is to see safe, healthy and socialised tamariki with a strong sense of identity, who are fully engaged in school.
Referrals can be made by the rangatahi or whānau themselves, the school, or community or government agencies. Referrals need the consent of the parents or primary caregiver. The whānau involvement helps achieve long-term successful outcomes.
MASSiSS kaimahi, including social workers, are employed by NGO social service providers. They work in partnership with school kaimahi, as part of the school community.
Published: March 13, 2017 · Updated: September 26, 2023